LTE CleanSite Swap
Our product spectrum of Camouflage Antennas from TELNET offers telecom operators a wide range multi-band trisector antennas. Camouflage antennas consist of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 special internal antennas per 120 degree sector. All internal antennas which are enclosed within a cylinder shaped radome and resembles a chimney or exhaust pipe.
The frequency range of the antennas covers all GSM, 3G, 4G, LTE and 5G frequencies from 698-960MHz, 1710-2100MHz, 2300-2600MHz and 3300-3500MHz.
We also offer comprehensive turn-key swap packages for existing Powerwave CleanSite MonoPole sites and for 5G upgrades of existing camouflage site where our products are already installed.
The packages are ready for installation and can use existing foundations. No civil works required! The downtime of a typical swap site is only a few hours using our turn-key swap packages. Swap packages are including base adaptor, pole elements, internal Remote Electrical Tilt (iRET) for all bands, iRET cables and the antenna. Camouflage TriSector MonoPole Antennas are available from 2 ports up to 16 ports per sector.
All RETs are AISG V2 compliant to work with base stations provided by Huawei, NSN, Ericsson, Samsung etc. All latest antenna models come with all internal RETs called iRET.
The compact size (25cm, 35cm or 62cm outer diameter) and the minimal visual impact, together with their multiband – multi-operator capabilities make camouflage antennas the ideal solution for prestigious areas, to avoid social rejection and for areas where antennas need to be hidden. Camouflage antennas are provided as a package together with a flexible pole system which is able to fit to architectural requirements at every site.
Photos of installed sites where old Powerwave CleanSite were replaced by Trisector LTE MonoPole antennas provided by OPTIMAL CONNECTIVITY.